E10 petrol – a big challenge for small engines
The E10 petrol is a step in the right direction when it comes to reducing the emissions from vehicles and creating more sustainable transports. However, the high blend of ethanol can pose major challenges for small engines such as chainsaws or lawn mowers.
The durability of E10 itself can be short.
In other words, this new standard petrol is not the best option for storage. This can pose problems for small engines that are only used during certain seasons – for example lawn mowers, boat engines, clearing saws and snowblowers. When machines like these are fueled with E10 petrol, the following can happen;
- Rubber gaskets get damaged. Ethanol is a solvent that breaks down certain materials. Among other things, rubber, and especially older rubber. This often results in leaking gaskets and hoses, and leaks in other rubber or plastic seals.
- The engine takes a beating. A problem with ethanol is that it binds moisture. This means that the amount of water in the E10 petrol can increase over time, which can cause corrosion in machines that are inactive for a few months at a time. This corrosion damages the carburetor and often leads to engine failure.
- The mixture deteriorates.
The moisture binding abilities of ethanol can also have a negative effect on two-stroke mixtures – resulting in an unstable and unreliable mixing ratio. This increases the risk of engine problems in boats and rarely used two-stroke vehicles.
Why isn’t ethanol included in Alkylate?
One of the main benefits of Aspen alkylate fuel is how friendly it is to the user, the content of harmful aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene and polyaromatics (PAH) is close to zero, creating a better work environment for the user of small engines. Mixing ethanol with alkylate fuel will cause higher emissions of nitrous oxide, because it will lean out the engine. Emissions such as Aldehydes could also increase due to incomplete combustion of the ethanol. Both of which can cause respiratory irritation and therefor have a negative impact on the working environment.
Fortunately, there is a better option
The E10 petrol is specially developed for engines in everyday vehicles, such as passenger cars. So, what about the small engines that are only used during certain seasons? Well, these need a completely different petrol. A petrol that can withstand the test of time, while never causing harmful exhaust fumes. Therefore, Aspen alkylate petrol exists – an ethanol-free fuel with a very long shelf life.
When filling your small engine with Aspen, it will start every time – even if it has been inactive for months. And thanks to Aspen alkylate petrol, your engine will run cleaner and last longer. It is, in short, a better fuel for man, machine and the environment.
Would you like to know more about Aspen's unique alkylate products? Click here.